Films by Community Media Activist Stalin. K. from Drishti Media Collective
Stalin K. is one of the founders of the Drishti
Media Collective and is a
key spokesperson for the movement to democratize India's airwaves.
Stalin K. will screen his films "Gujarat- A Work in Progress" and "Lesser
Humans/Venth Chetha", and speak about his work as an activist in the areas
of literacy, mass popular education and women's empowerment.
He will also discuss his work with "Video
Volunteers" and the role
of community media in empowering people to be partners in the development process
and in the struggle for social justice. Specifically, he will discuss his groundbreaking
work in community radio that facilitated social change by enabling ordinary
citizens to demand accountability from the government.
Lesser Humans/Venth Chetha
(59 minutes. Gujarati with English Sub-titles.
" Must see... a film like this is made for, and should be seen by, South
Asian audience everywhere. "
- Mari Marcel Thekaekara, Himal
50 years of Independence have not changed the lives of the Bhangis in Gujarat,
who even today continue the profession prescribed to them by the caste system
- manually disposing human excreta. This film investigates the factors responsible
for the continuance of this often banned inhuman practice.
Excellence Award, Earth Vision Film Festival, Tokyo, 1999
- Best Film, New Delhi Video Festival, 1999
- Silver Conch, 5th Mumbai International Film Festival,
- Special Mention, Amnesty International Film Festival,
Amsterdam, 1998
- San Francisco International Film Festival, 1998
- Sakshi Film Festival, Bangalore, 1998
- Prakriti Film Festival, Pune, 1999
- Cinema du Reel, Paris, 1999
- 14th Munich International Documentary Film Festival, 1999
- 1st International Human Rights Film Festival, Nuremberg, 1999
- Panchgani Human Rights Film Festival, India, 2000
- Zanzibar International Film Festival, Tanzania, 2001
- Another World Film Festival, Hyderabad, India, 2003
Produced by Drishti Media Collective. Presented by Navsarjan Trust, Ahmedabad
Gujarat- A Work in Progress
(35 minutes. Hindi, Gujarati with English Sub-titles.
This film through interviews with survivors reconstructs the systematic carnage
unleashed on the minorities in Ahmedabad from 28th February 2002 onwards. The
film is a work in progress and was put together to be submitted to the National
Human Rights Commission when it first visited Gujarat in the third week of
March 2002. This was the first film to be made on the state sponsored carnage
and many independent film-makers have used clips from the over the 100 hours
of footage he filmed. Produced by Drishti Media Collective.
The Drishti
Media Collective not only documents people's
struggles, but also actively engages communities in the documentation of their
struggles. The collective helps communities to use media as a means to articulate
their resistance to structures of oppression, to communicate an alternative
vision, to put forth their dreams and aspirations.
Drishti Media Collective
103, Anand Hari Tower
New Sandesh Press Road
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380054
Tel: 91-79-6851235 and 91-79-6851437
Email: drishtiad1@sancharnet.in
Nov. 17th, 6 p.m.
Palo Alto
Stanford University
Building 200, Room 002,
History Corner, 450 Serra Mall,
Fri, Nov.
18, 6 p.m.
of California, Berkeley
2040 Valley Life Sciences Building
Event is FREE & Open to the public
Limited seats, arrive early to ensure your seating. Wheelchair accessible.
Co-sponsored by:
Asian Religions & Cultures Initiative (ARC) / India, Stanford
Department of Religious Studies
Stanford Univ.
Shorenstein Asia/Pacific Research Center at the Institute
of International Studies,
Stanford Univ.
Center for South Asian Studies
UC Berkeley
Film Studies Program
UC Berkeley
for India's Development (AID) Bay Area
of South Asia
South Asian Law Students Association
UC Berkeley
Muslim Council-USA Townsend
Center Working Group on
Muslim Identities & Cultures
UC Berkeley
We thank the Singh
Foundation for their assistance with Stalin.K's visit